Adopted 10/12/2015
The Stable Value Investment Association periodically conducts surveys on various aspects of the stable value industry. In doing so, SVIA solicits responses from both member and non-member companies. The surveys provide useful and timely industry data for SVIA members and allow the association to serve as a resource to the public and regulators on stable value funds.
SVIA maintains the confidentiality of the survey responses and only uses survey information in the aggregate. SVIA will not disclose data from any individual survey participant, nor will the association use the data to create any type of ranking system and/or benchmark.
Response Confidentiality
Individual responses to SVIA surveys are processed by SVIA staff members and will not be distributed. SVIA will not discuss or publicly release individual responses in a manner that enables identification of a particular survey participant. Any individual data discussed with individuals or entities outside SVIA staff, such as the Data and Research Committee, will be stripped of identifying information. Publicly released information will consist only of aggregate data and ranges, and never individual responses.
In order to protect individual member submissions and to avoid the reverse engineering of data, SVIA will provide only a range of data on questions receiving four or more responses. If a question receives three responses, SVIA will provide only the averages of the responses to that question, not the minimum or maximum. If a question receives two or fewer responses, no data will be provided.
Further, all identifiers to an individual company’s response will be permanently removed once SVIA receives responses to a subsequent survey from that company.
Data Retention
SVIA will retain responses containing individual company identifiers for a period not exceeding one year. Retaining survey responses for one year will assist respondents who are completing the survey for the next survey period, and will permit SVIA to vet the data for potential errors and changes from the previous period.
Responses to SVIA surveys with identifiers removed may be retained by SVIA for a period longer than one year in order to allow the association to identify, verify and correct any potential mistakes in the data and to perform additional calculations.
Data Use
The observations and data contained in SVIA reports or surveys are intended to be illustrative in nature, giving an overview of the stable value industry, as well as providing relative trend information. These observations and data reflect only the reporting or survey period and, as such, are subject to change. This information may not be reflective or applicable to a specific plan’s stable value investment option or a specific stable value fund. Further, these observations and data are not intended to constitute or represent a benchmark.
SVIA surveys are an exclusive benefit of membership. Data is confidential. Use of data for external purposes requires the express permission of the Association.